2024 Annual Review
2024 Wrapped
In 2024, I mostly did the same trips as I did in 2023. I started off 2024 in Niseko, Japan, quenching my snow powder addiction, only to have too much snow so the lifts shut down. I came back to the US and went straight to Salt Lake City for a month, doubling down on snowboarding and community, highlighted by getting a concussion :(
In March, we headed to Chamonix, France, where we learned how to split board. Then, we went to Tomorrowland Winter, the festival where we skied the longest black run in the world (16 km) while bobbing our heads to house music on the beautiful alps summit.
As winter came to a close, I trained for six weeks for the Brooklyn half-marathon. I improved my half-marathon time by 13 minutes, PRing with a 1:39. It was probably the best training cycle I’ve ever had.
With summer fast approaching, surfing became the focus. I went to El Salvador for a 3rd time, to surf 10-foot waves. I also took my girlfriend to Honolulu, Hawaii, where I proudly took her on her best surf session ever. I wanted her to meet my grandma, but unfortunately, she passed away in May :(
I went to Mexico City for Lawrence’s bachelor party, where we were hungover with no water for a full day and then I got covid. I returned to NYC and moved in with my girlfriend.
We settled into our new apartment and finished a 5-day water fast. Then for thanksgiving, we went to Punta Mita, Mexico to surf where my girlfriend caught 10 waves in a session!! (I think I’m more excited when she catches waves than me).
We closed the year by heading to Guangzhou to visit my family's grave, where I had the best dim sum I’ve ever had. We then headed to Hainan to surf and closed the year in Xi’an, visiting my girlfriend's parents.
Netflix: I’ve settled into Netflix and feel confident in my position at the company. I make good money, have a lot of freedom, and can work remotely. I get great perks and my colleagues are super smart (PhD math level smart). Netflix is a great “default” option in tech and really the only company I can see being a step up is OpenAI.
Entrepreneurship: In 2022/2023, I spent a lot of time on entrepreneurial pursuits. In 2024, I didn’t spend any. I launched an ML course and I built yourmove.ai. Long term, I have an eye toward becoming an entrepreneur. In 2025, it’s time to start building skills and side projects again.
Overall Score: 8.5/10
I got into a new relationship (partner): A big win in 2024 was getting into a new relationship. The first year was defined by fun. We traveled to Europe, Asia and Central America together. The adventures built a really solid foundation for our relationship. While the honeymoon phase has faded, we’re going to the next phase where my girlfriend is considering a career pivot and we’ll probably move out of NYC.
Building a community around a hobby is key (friends): The formula I’ve found to leave me feeling fulfilled is building a community around the sports I love, whether it’s surfing, snowboarding, or running, anytime I’ve built a community around it, I’ve left feeling really fulfilled.
Family: Family tbh has been an underinvested area in 2024. While living in NYC, I get to see my parents maybe twice a year. Luckily, Netflix will fly me back home quite often. This will change when I move back to California.
Overall Score: 9/10
Running, Surfing, Snowboarding, Hyrox: These four sports have been my core sports. I started the year snowboarding, ran a half-marathon and then sprinkled surf trips throughout the year. The challenge is its difficult to progress in surfing and snowboarding with the way my years are structured. Running, much, much easier since you can do it anywhere.
Nutrition: Nutrition is something I didn’t really think about this year. I pretty much ate everything, ordered DoorDash quite a bit. While I don’t think I eat super poorly as my default, I’m realizing I can’t expect to “stay shredded” if I don’t watch my diet. The biggest alarm bell I had was when I tested my a1c score through a blood test, reading a 5.5%, which is high for someone who exercises so much.
Injuries: Along with poor nutrition, I’m noticing myself get injured A LOT more. In my 20’s, I never got hurt. This year, I started the year with a concussion from snowboarding. I strained my back in July from wakeboarding. I strained my hamstring from overtraining. And then ended the year getting a nasty flu, which caused vertigo.
Overall Score: 7/10
Net Worth: The market’s been doing really well so I saw my net worth go up significantly. I’m able to stash a solid amount of my paycheck due to the high cash upfront at Netflix.
Income Streams: Right now, I only have two income streams: my main job and my ML course (which is still making money). The capital I’m earning from big tech should enable me to purchase larger investments like real estate. It’s less about the capital and more about allocating the time to do this.
Score: 8/10
Ski Trips: I spent close to 30 days skiing on the mountains in 2024. I snowboarded in Japan, Salt Lake City, Lake Tahoe, Europe. Reflecting on this, it’s an epic list of places I went to in 2024.
Surf Trips: In addition to ski trips, I went on three distinct surf trips: to El Salvador, Hawaii, and Mexico. Surfing is definitely my favorite sport so it’s something I want to continue.
Weddings: In 2024, I had four weddings, taking me to Mexico, California, Canada. For 2025, I actually have fewer weddings as this wave of friends finished getting married.
Score: 9/10
Relationships grew. Everything else stayed stagnant.
In many of my past annual reviews, the biggest thing I found lacking was romantic relationships. I never felt fully satisfied in this area. I had a lot of experience dating but never found the right fit.
At the end of 2023, through a series of odd events, I was finally in a relationship. I met someone who not only shared my hobbies but also my lifestyle, way of thinking, and life vision. 2024 was important for building the foundation of the relationship: communication habits, shared experiences, and adapting our lifestyle.
In 2023, if I knew that the only thing I would grow in for 2024 was relationships, I’d consider that a massive success. But to level up, how do I continue growing in my relationships while still moving other areas forward?
My career didn’t move forward significantly. I didn’t get significantly healthier, though I did become a better runner. The key in 2025 will be to continue building our relationship, but enable more growth in other areas as well.
Traveling has become more of a hindrance to my growth.
Studying abroad was the most important experience I’ve ever had for my personal growth. It was the first time I could hear my inner voice. It put me in uncomfortable situations and exposed my mind to things completely outside my reality.
But with each trip, the novelty of travel wears off. Big cities blur together. Beach towns blur together. Getting drunk with a bunch of 21 year olds in a hostel transformed from an epic night to one of the last things i want to do.
Now, travel has gotten in the way of mastery. Every time I come back from a trip, it takes a couple weeks to rebuild my routine. And then once I rebuild the routine, I have another trip that resets it.
While Ill still keep traveling, I want to be really thoughtful on how the trips interrupt my growth in other areas.
Life loses its novelty as you get older.
When you’re a kid, going to the grocery store is an adventure. Crossing the bridge into another city? It’s a completely new world.
But as we get older, the number of completely novel experiences dwindles down. Going to London for the first time is incredible. But after visiting Hong Kong, New York, Shanghai, London begins to feel like “another big city.”
As years pass, we can’t passively assume life is going to give us novelty. We need to deliberately inject novelty into our lives.
I’ve been very scattered, and its preventing me from achieving mastery.
It’s a pattern I’ve noticed over multiple years. Too many interests results in me getting pulled in multiple directions. And when I try to pursue everything, I fail to get good at anything. In the past, I was working on two side projects, starting a new job and trying to get good at BJJ.
I’ve culled them, but I still think I’m not focused enough.
New York is the wrong city for me.
Since I moved to NYC, I spent every winter outside of NYC. I’d spend a month in SLC. I’d spend weeks in Hawaii, El Salvador, Mexico. While living in NYC, I’d leave all the time. I used to think it’s because I couldn’t sit still. But really, the lifestyle and activities I’m drawn to aren’t in NYC.
The core benefits of living in NYC is the social life, going out, plays/theatre and the arts. I love the social life in NYC. But I love spending my time outside, grinding on sports. Main conclusion, NYC is a great city, but it doesn’t really fit me. It’s not where I thrive.
Framework for Juggling Too Many Interests
My performance coach taught me a framework on how to approach juggling too many interests. It’s called the “tiered leveling system”:
Tier 1: These are activities where you can leave no stone unturned. You grind on these activities and master every detail of the skill. Your core focus is progression and have a very specific, high level of performance you want to achieve. This phase is intense and ideally, you commit at least one year to the activity.
Tier 2: These are activities you’d like to progress in. However, if you miss a few days or plateau for a bit, it’s OK. You may just do the activity for fun mixed in with some progression. Tier 2 activities are activities you’d consider pursuing intensively, but not yet.
Tier 3: These are activities you try just for fun and exploration. There is no commitment for you to continue to pursue them intensively, but you’re trying it out to see if you like it.
Maintenance: These are activities you want to maintain but you are not necessarily putting in a lot of effort into growing.
When thinking about these tiers, we look at activities across different buckets of life: career, finances, health, fitness and relationships. We can only fit a maximum of two activities in Tier 1, ideally in disparate buckets of our life. It’s easier to be a startup founder and grind on pickleball (i have a friend doing this). The two activities don’t compete for the same time and energy slot, so it’s doable. But if I wanted to be a high-level BJJ competitor and an elite swimmer, it’s gonna be difficult to do both.
All activities typically progress through these tiers. They start at Tier 3, and as your interest grows, they can eventually progress to Tier 1.
2025 Goals
O: Build skills to increase my income, and scope to set myself up to be an entrepreneur.
Goal: Find and involve myself in a project that enables me to grow my skillset [already done]
The key is to find a project at work that enables me to do this. This way, I get the double benefit of getting paid to learn the skill. Criteria is:
Impactful for Netflix
Potentially Monetizable
As of 2/27, this goal is accomplished. I built out an initial proposal to build out a scaleable Forecasting Platform, sold it on my team members and manager, and we’re now working on it! There are many forecasting platforms on the market and we’re going to build one in-house. This will enable me to learn ML Engineering, a bit of causal inference and more forecasting principles.
Exploration: Integrate and begin building with AI [Tier 2]
This is intentionally left ambiguous and less concrete as a goal. The initial phase with AI will be exploration. This might include:
Building my own AI tech stack.
Playing with the different tools out there to understand the value and jobs to be done.
Begin building fun, useful tools with AI.
The key is less about whether it’s a big idea or not and more about getting more reps using the tools.
O: Set our relationship up for long-term success and happiness [Tier 1]
Goal: Build a concrete plan/vision and recipe for success.
The long term goal is a fulfilling, happy marriage and family. To get there, we need to build the right habits, have the important conversations now, especially considering specific timelines:
Build the framework to have the conversations about the most important life questions.
Have the important conversations to understand where we are and are not aligned. There’s always going to be misalignment, but it’s really about if that misalignment is a dealbreaker or not.
The key is to have these conversations, build out a plan so we have a clear path into the future.
O: Invest in relationships for the long term. Divest from the wrong relationships.
Goal: Double down on the friendships I want to invest in in the long run, through ski trips/surf trips/hosting[maintenance].
This will be in maintenance mode since we’re considering moving. But we have ski trips already planned, and we’ll naturally target a few surf trips in H2.
O: Maximize my athletic performance in my 30’s
Goal: Build my fitness/body to effectively Climb Chamonix Mt. Blanc at the end of June [Tier 1]
I want a challenge that can build my aerobic base for climbing Chamonix, is challenging, and is conducive to being more effective in climbing Chamonix. Having a separate challenge will be important, in case the Chamonix summit is closed. Options:
Run Half-Marathon
Ruck a Half-Marathon
Trail Running Half-Marathon
Unfortunately, I tore my achilles :(
O: Stay metabolically healthy and optimize for longevity
Lower my a1c score to <5.2% while maintaining <15% body fat (health) [Tier 2]. The main thing for me here is to reduce my sugar intake. I’m at 5.5% right now, which is not pre-diabetic, but it’ll trend there if I continue the same habits. The key will be to figure out how to replenish myself with enough carbs for sports, while not increasing my A1C, and maintaining a low body fat %.
Aim to cook at least one meal per week. I’d want to start with simple dishes I enjoy, such as grilled meats and soups. I have multiple motivations here, I’ll be healthier AND I’ll be able to cook for my girlfriend.
O: Achieve Financial Freedom and be able to retire my family
Maintain my current savings rate to build up cash reserve [Maintenance]: Right now, I’m saving cash, investing it and letting it sit. There are other considerations of doing Real Estate, but that’s not a priority right now.
Aspen Snowboard Trip
Chamonix Trip
Keep the House Tidy [Growth]
Meditate Daily [Maintenance]