Hi, I’m Jeff!
10 second bio
I’m a Senior Data Scientist at Netflix, focused on ads forecasting.
I’m building yourmove.ai and AI-assisted text assistant for dating.
I wrote an ML Process, ML Algo’s, ML Business Course used by more than 10k students.
I obsess over learning. In 2018, I “mastered” 12 skills in 12 month. This includes automating Tinder using AI which was featured on Mashable.
Love traveling and adventure. 30+ countries. I slept homeless in Europe for a night making a dance video, biked 500 miles from SF to LA.
Outside of work, I love sports. Main focus’ have been surfing, snowboarding and BJJ.
I’ve written out my guiding principles here. This site will host my eclectic array of interests, ranging from data, careers, learning, adventure and more.
You can also find me on Twitter or Instagram. If you want to email me, send a note to dj.jeffmli@gmail.com
Best Articles
To help you find something that interests you, I’ve curated my best content:
I got 7 job offers during the worst job market in history. Here’s the data...... I tracked every interview, application I sent for my last three job searches. Some analysis on how I got 7 offers.
How Three Tech Dudes Biked 500 Miles from SF to LA: A few friends and I decided to bike from San Francisco to LA. 500 miles. Over 20,000 feet of elevation. A knee injury, 12 flat tires, one person stranded. Priceless adventure.
How I Automated Tinder Using Artificial Intelligence: I got tired of swiping on dating apps. Rather than stop using apps completely, I decided to use machine learning to automate the swiping.
Interviews I’ve Done
This is my most popular interview ever (20k+ views) on how to hack the job hunting process with no experience. This interview is targeted towards data scientists, but applies to all jobs:
I did an interview with Ken Jee (172k + subscribers) talking about the process of learning, my tinder AI project and much more:
I also talk with Data Science Jay about using data science, tracking job metrics to land the a data science job. Plugging Jay’s company, Interview Query, if you’re looking for interview prep!
I also did an interview with The Artists of Data Science. Check out the beginning of the interview for a sneak peek into my freestyle rap alter-ego! Click image for the link.
Technical Content
Improving Experimental Power through Control Using Predictions as Covariate (CUPAC): At DoorDash, we pioneered a new technique called CUPAC, which uses a machine learning prediction as a covariate when analyzing experiments. In offline simulations, we saw a 33% improvement in the power of our experiments.
R Fundamentals: Building a Simple Grade Calculator: A beginner tutorial on the fundamentals of R by building out a simple grade calculator. No experience required!
How to use if-else statements and Loops in R: Building off the beginner tutorial in R, this tutorial teaches you how to use if-else statements and loops in R. Make sure you go through the fundamentals tutorial first.